Thursday, December 2, 2010

Singing for the King

If someone had told me a year ago today that on December 3, 2010 I would be standing on a soccer field at a carpet mill in Thailand singing songs (well mostly listening and trying to be present) in honor of the Thai King's birthday I would have told them they were crazy. But there I was standing in a line with the factory management team in front of many of the first shift factory and office workers looking at a picture of the king on a raised platform while everyone sang songs, listened to some mercifully short speeches (both songs and speeches in Thai of course) and posed for group photos. After about 35 minutes we were back to work except for the volunteers who went to pick up litter from the road that runs in front of the factory.

And the good news is that we have Monday off to commemorate his birthday, which actually falls on Sunday. His birthday is also Father's day in Thailand so happy father's day to all the dads out there.

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